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Make sure you’re properly protected

January 22, 2018

Having appropriate liability insurance is an important part of your NICEIC or ELECSA registration. When it comes to buying your essential electrical contractors insurance, focusing solely on finding the cheapest option may be a mistake. Price is important of course, but getting the right cover is vital – after all, cheap insurance can be a false economy if it doesn’t offer the protection you need when it really matters.

Is it really worth leaving your business exposed, and your livelihood at risk?

Using Comparison Sites vs Getting Advice From an Insurance Specialist

Just as there’s a world of difference between working with a registered electrician and relying on a helpful amateur, finding insurance to provide cover for your individual needs – the right cover at the right price – may mean you need to call on expert help.

When using comparison sites or some direct insurers they usually require you to know exactly what you need in order to get a quote, as they don’t typically provide advice. However, if you call on the advice and support from insurance specialists who understand your typical needs as a registered NICEIC or ELECSA contractor, you can be safe in the knowledge you have the cover you need.

Help to Understand Your Needs

Advice and support is exactly what you can expect from us at NICEIC and ELECSA Insurance Services.  The first step is to assess your specific needs, because the exact cover you need will always depend on the nature of your business.

Our team will advise you on the protection you need. This includes the important cover you need as an electrical contractor, such as public liability and professional indemnity insurance.

But it also means helping you to work out whether you also need employers liability insurance if you have other people working for you, as well as cover for business premises, van, and tools – even cover like personal accident and income protection insurance.

Tailored Insurance Protection from a Name You Trust

We give you access to the kind of quality insurance protection you’d expect from NICEIC and ELECSA.

This is insurance protection that has been specifically created for NICEIC and ELECSA registered contractors. It is designed with the typical risks you face in mind, and it can be tailored to match your needs.

You’ll get one policy to cover all your core risks as an electrical contractor, including employers liability if you need it. We can even offer policies for other types of insurance you may need such as cover for business vehicles and business properties like shops or offices.

We also appreciate that the finer complexities of insurance – such as terms and conditions – can sometimes be confusing therefore we take the time explain exactly what you are covered for.

Try Us Today

Obtain the insurance you need quickly and easily – you can buy online in minutes using our online quote and buy facility if you know exactly what you need. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can call our team for advice and arrange cover over the phone. They can also compare your existing policy’s sums insured to ensure your new cover meets or exceeds this*.

Get a quote online or alternatively call us on 0333 015 6629.


* If you provide us with the exact details (such as providing a schedule of insurance) we can provide a general comparison against your existing cover, looking at the types and amount you are insured for. However, please note we are unable to provide a detailed policy wording comparison including the finer details of terms and conditions.

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