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If you’re struck down by illness or injury, who pays the bills?

April 30, 2019

We can help you find insurance to protect your finances if you’re unable to work

When thinking about insurance for your business, it’s all too easy to overlook a crucial risk. You’ll have contractors liability cover, tools cover, even cover for a van or workshop, but what about cover for you?

If you were struck down by an accident, or left unable to work by injury or illness, how long would it be before paying the bills became a bit of a struggle?

Expect the unexpected

It’s easy to think ‘it won’t happen to me’, but that’s exactly what insurance is for; to protect your livelihood against the unexpected.

This is not just about injuries at work. What if you take a nasty tackle while playing for your Sunday League football team? A bad injury could keep you away from the coalface for weeks. Similarly, a back injury on the golf course, whether you’re picking the ball out of the hole after an ‘ace’ or clambering through undergrowth looking after a wayward tee shot on the 9th, could just as easily leave you laid up for weeks.

Sport is not the only hobby that brings risk of course. All manner of seemingly innocuous mishaps can end in disaster. A DIY accident, even a slip of the bread knife could leave you with an arm in a sling and unable to work.

Then there are the things that just happen out of the blue. If you’re involved in a nasty car accident or struck down by a nasty, lingering bug – glandular fever or pneumonia for instance – you could be away from the tools, cancelling jobs and worrying about money in no time 

Whatever the cause, the added stress and worry that comes with lost income is hardly likely to speed your recovery and could even force you back to work before you’re truly ready.

Keep the cash flowing

The good news is it’s very easy to defend against all these scenarios and more – by taking out simple cover to pay out a lump sum if accident strikes, or protect your monthly income in the event you suffer illness or injury.

Personal accident and short term income protection insurance does what it says on the tin. The personal accident element pays out a lump sum if you’re injured in an accident, while short term income protection covers things like mortgage payments, household bills and food for up to 12 months while you’re unable to work.

This is about peace of mind – knowing that you can keep the red bills at bay while you take the time you need to recover – and, at NICEIC Insurance, we’re ready to help.

We know finding the right cover can be time consuming, even confusing, so our expert advisers are here to guide you to the cover that’s right for you – effective and affordable – so you can get on with your life with one less thing to worry about.


This important protection can be added on to your existing contractors cover with us – for as little as £12 per month plus insurance premium tax (IPT) for personal accident alone, or £52.80 per month plus IPT for combined personal accident and short term income protection cover.


Note: IPT is currently 12% as at April 2019.


To find out more, please click here or give us a call on 0333 015 6629.

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